Luxury, calm and voluptuousness…

Facing the sea, this rectangle with reflections combining petrol blue and cloudy skies stretches out serenely evoking peace: it's time for an "invitation to the voyage", as Baudelaire once put it.


The everyday poetic charm of a pool

Like a runway allowing our dreams to take flight, the long pool launches us towards the sea…

The pool is a ramp, a runway allowing our dreams to take flight … its horizontal plane guides the eye towards the breathtaking spectacle of a sea caught between Norman and Breton cross-currents. It seems to comply with timeless geometric rules, those used to build the Greek temples and create the subtlest poetic charm. Beyond a desire for bathing and shared moments, this Piscinelle pool primarily represents a quest for beauty, like an aesthetic promise made for its own sake, echoing the great Théophile Gautier's absolute requirement of creating "art for art's sake".

Customer feedback
"Every day, I get up and treat myself to a few moments gazing at the pool facing the sea … their colours often match and it's so beautiful."

Pools have the power to slip through our fingers; they are imbued with a unique sense of fantasy and seemingly eternal poetry. We'd still be singing the praises of the pools of the Alhambra, the fountains of Versailles and the Baths of Caracalla … and this pool that thrusts out towards the sea conjures fragments of this collective imagination that change with the viewer's mood.


Blending in with nature

Seamless integration. That's the priority for a Piscinelle pool that has minimal impact on its direct surroundings and blends in with its natural environment.

One of the current chief concerns for any pool project is to ensure it meets requirements in terms of sustainability and protection of the immediate and global environment.

In terms of protecting the land, the aluminium structure developed by Piscinelle limits any impact on soil, since only minimal concrete is used to create the base on which the structure rests. Moreover, aluminium is a non-toxic metal for soil, with no chemical processes or plastic in contact with the earth.

A further advantage of the Piscinelle structure is that it only requires a very short excavation hole. This feature, aimed at blending the pool in with its natural environment and limiting its impact on the land, ensures very little disruption to the local ecosystem and minimal excavation.

In the late summer light, the pool water is a stunning emerald green.

In terms of more general environmental issues, the aluminium used in Piscinelle pools is fully recyclable and recycled, thus minimising the use of fossil resources.

These concerns are by no means trivial in the current climate and addressing them means allowing the pool's poetry to resonate even longer and enabling visitors to this pool perched on a cliff somewhere between Brittany and Normandy to be carried away by Baudelaire's nomadic, passionately whispered words:

For me, damp suns
In disturbed skies
Share mysterious charms
With your treacherous eyes
As they shine through tears.

Invitation to the Voyage – The Flowers of Evil 1857 – Charles Baudelaire

A film set, an artist's canvas … the composition is perfect in its balance and sophistication.


Technical details regarding this luxury pool with a sea view:


Take a look at the full photo report on this pool with a view of the English Channel (photo credit: Fréd Pieau):


Piscinelle, specialist pool installer/builder in Calvados

Piscinelle is a swimming pool specialist operating in Caen, Hérouville-Saint-Clair, Lisieux, Vire, Normandie, Bayeux, Ifs, Mondeville, Mézidon Vallée d'Auge, Ouistreham, Souleuvre en Bocage, Falaise, Saint-Pierre-en-Auge, Honfleur, Colombelles, Condé-en-Normandie, Livarot-Pays-d'Auge, Thue et Mue, Blainville-sur-Orne, Valdallière, Dives-sur-Mer, Douvres-la-Délivrande, Cormelles-le-Royal, Fleury-sur-Orne, Giberville, Pont-l'Évêque, Trouville-sur-Mer, Noues de Sienne, Courseulles-sur-Mer, Bretteville-sur-Odon, Argences, Touques, Le Hom, Verson, Isigny-sur-Mer, Cabourg, Deauville, Troarn, Biéville-Beuville, Luc-sur-Mer, Moult-Chicheboville, Démouville, Villers-Bocage, Hermanville-sur-Mer, Le Molay-Littry, Carpiquet. 

Lap-pools Above-ground pools Grey liner Slatted cover

Last updated on 18/11/2022

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